Our Historical Heritage

Biblically Grounded.
Pastorally Focused.
Confessionally Faithful.

Over 35 years ago, ruling elders from a nearby presbyterian church founded Greenville Seminary. They looked to the past, modeling our founding documents after those of Old Princeton Seminary. While some seminaries were lowering standards for language instruction, systematic theology, and preaching hours, they raised them. These men had taken vows to uphold the Westminster Standards, and they kept that standard for all professors to ensure transparency and consistency. Since the aim was to train pastors, they insisted that costs be kept as low as possible for the men who were studying. These founding convictions and aims still animate us today. 


What we

In the midst of a changing cultural landscape, our confidence in the Bible remains unchanged. The truths of the inerrant scripture guide us and ground us as we train the next generation of pastors. 

Read more about our Theological Convictions below.



Our Statement
of Purpose

This Statement of Purpose of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary has been adapted from that which was adopted by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America when it formed Princeton Theological Seminary in 1812.

for the gospel ministry, who shall truly believe, and cordially love, and therefore endeavor to preach, propagate, and defend in its genuineness, simplicity, and fullness, that system of religious belief and practice which is set forth in the Westminster Confession of Faith, Catechisms, and historic Presbyterianism; and thus to perpetuate and extend the influence of true evangelical piety and gospel order.

an adequate supply and succession of able and faithful New Covenant ministers of the Word and sacrament; workmen that need not to be ashamed, accurately handling the Word of Truth; reproving, rebuking, and exhorting by means of expository, experimental, and applicatory preaching.

with enlightened, humble, zealous pastors, who shall watch for the good of souls, and consider it their highest honor and happiness to win them to the Savior, and to nourish them in holiness and peace.

men who shall be able to defend her Faith against skeptics, to defend her doctrine against heretics, to challenge the presuppositions of non-Christian worldviews, and to serve faithfully in her courts.

for missionaries to the nations, and to people destitute of the preaching of the gospel; in which men, both nationals and internationals, may receive that appropriate preparation which lays a foundation for their qualification for missionary work.

a succession of men qualified for and devoted to the work of the gospel ministry; who, with a variety of gifts, suiting them to different stations in the church of Christ, may all yet share a portion of the apostolic spirit; prepared thereby to make any sacrifice, to endure any hardship, and to render any service that the promotion of pure and undefiled religion may require.

in those who shall occupy the ministerial office, that piety that is the fruit only of the renewing and sanctifying grace of God, and that love of learning which comes only from the desire for the deeper knowledge of God: believing that either piety without learning, or learning without piety, in ministers of the gospel, is ultimately injurious to the church.

both piety and learning in the preparatory course for ministers of the gospel; piety, by placing it in circumstances favorable to its growth, and by cherishing and regulating its ardor; learning, by affording favorable opportunities for its attainment, and by making its possession indispensable.

harmony and unity among the ministers of the church by educating a succession of them in the same course of study.

for early and lasting friendships, productive of confidence and mutual assistance in life among ministers of the gospel; which experience shows to be conducive not only to personal happiness, but to the production of inquiries, researches, and publications advantageous to the church.


From our

Dr. Jonathan L. Master

Dear Friends,

The founding vision of Greenville Seminary lives on today. Our curriculum is as robust as ever. Our understanding of pastoral ministry and of our standards of doctrine have not wavered. Our tuition model still aims at “a burden for the lost, not a burden of debt” for our graduates.

These commitments put us increasingly out of step with the culture, but we are grateful that the Lord is supporting us through more churches, a larger number of supporters, and greater student interest now than at any time in our history.

In addition to the oversight provided by churches, we have met the highest accreditation standards of ARTS and of the state of South Carolina.

If you are thinking about seminary study, we invite you to Experience GPTS. If you are able to help us continue carrying out the work of training pastors, here are some ways you can Give.

We rejoice in what the Lord has done in the history of Greenville Seminary, and we look forward to his faithfulness in raising up more men to serve as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,

Jonathan L. Master



our focus

We Train Pastors.

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