So much of what happens in seminary takes place outside the classroom. Through chapels, prayer meetings, social events, and informal conversations, students are challenged, discipled, and encouraged in their training.
of Holy Men.
Your years in seminary are about far more than the classroom. One local pastor described Greenville Seminary as, “A fraternity of holy men, pursuing this one thing – the ministry of the Word.” That atmosphere of brotherhood is one we seek to cultivate, through chapel, weekly prayer meetings with faculty, regular social events, and a special monthly Ladies’ Fellowship for seminary wives. We also have a limited number of seminary houses available for rent in a cul-de-sac about five minutes away from campus.
Greenville, SC has been ranked as one of the top places to live in the United States by US News and World Report. It has a beautiful downtown and is in the upstate of South Carolina. There are many opportunities for affordable housing, and the job market is robust and growing.
Most importantly, Greenville is blessed with many sound Reformed churches. We have longstanding relationships with many vibrant congregations in the area, and they welcome our students and their families. Most of our students find internships and opportunities for service within churches in the Greenville area.
A Look
Into Our Campus

Does GPTS provide student housing?
How do full-time students afford to do this with a family?
Does Greenville Seminary offer anything for seminary wives?
Are there internships availabile at local churches?
Is Greenville an affordable place to live?
What sort of interaction can students expect to have with professors?
our focus
We Train Pastors.
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